Saturday, 16 August 2014


Oreo and I are going to be ending the blog! We want to say good bye to all of our blog members and viewers!
DiamondEclipse says...
'I loved working on the blog everyday, but due to all the things going on, I have to say goodbye. I created this blog to help all jammers with their needs, if it's Rare Item Mondays, New Items, and Updates, all were amazing, and I just want to say, thank you for reading everything we post, and all the stories Oreo and I have created. I wish we could keep the blog going but everything is coming up so quickly! I'm so sorry to say...
Oreo says...
'Thanks so much for supporting our blog for the time we had it. I know we didn't have it for a very long time, but we were bored and wanted to try something new. We now know that we are too busy starting school again and things like that. I'm really sad that we have to end the blog, but it's for the greater good of us. Thanks again, Jam On.'

Thank you all for helping us on our journey and we hope we helped some jammers, and we will always remember the days when we had our blog...

...Jam On...

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Stone Lamp + Glitches!

350 gems for a Stone Lamp sold in Outback Imports?! What a deal! Buy yours in Outback Imports!
Time for some Glitches!
Floating Flag Hyena Glitch?
Trading Post Sign Glitch I found!
Wow, there were a lot of glitches in Jamaa, and many to find!
Jam On!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Flamingo Balloon Hat + EDOW!

Sold in the Summer Carnival, for 2,000 gems, is the Flamingo Balloon Hat! Make sure to get your own!
I found an AMAZING Balloon Den! By Friends4Ever2 ! Make sure to go check out their den!
Jam On!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Ice Cream Sundae Bench + Diamond Day!

The new item today sold in Jam Mart Furniture is the Ice Cream Sundae Bench! I think AJ made a typo when they put the weekend Sunday! I hope to see a fix to the typo! 
Moving on, today is Diamond Day! Members can receive their weekly diamonds today!
Jam On!

Monday, 11 August 2014

Ice Cream Toppings Display!

Jam Mart Furniture's new item is the Ice Cream Toppings Display for 400 gems! Make sure to buy your own for your own Ice Cream Parlour! 
Jam On!

RIM - Rare Sun Visor

It's Rare Item Monday! So the new RIM Item is the Rare Sun Visor, sold for 950 gems in Jam Mart Clothing! Make sure to buy your own Sun Visor today, and today only to celebrate Summer!
Jam On!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Giant Ice Cream Cone + How The Otters Were Found

More Ice Cream items! Yippee! The new item is the Giant Ice Cream Cone, sold in different flavours, in Jam Mart Furniture! 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Spilled Ice Cream + Party Time - Dinner Party!

Some more ice cream themed have been added into the Jam Mart Furniture! So today's new item is the Spilled Ice Cream! 
Awww, I dropped my ice cream! On the wall...?

Friday, 8 August 2014

Ice Cream Parlour Jukebox + Important Announcement

Hello Jammers! Along with all the ice cream den items, AJ has seemed to add ANOTHER ice cream item! The Ice Cream Parlour Jukebox!
Sold along with the rest of it's ice cream family, it's found at Jam Mart Furniture for 450 gems. It's a jukebox that has a napkin holder on one side, and salt and pepper on the other side. But I don't know why you'd need salt and pepper for ice cream...unless you put salt and pepper on your ice cream...

Leaving Soon
We're sad to say that we'll be ending our blog soon... yes, you unfortunately read that right. DiamondEclipse and I can't keep up with the blog since we're getting so busy. So we'll be ending the blog soon, but we don't have a specified date for the day we'll be ending the blog.
But if you're really gonna miss us, you'll still be able to see us around Jamaa!
Jam On!

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Updates, Updates, and More Updates!

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is part of the update, so I'll explain that once you read on about the awesome new update!
1. New adventure!
 There's a new underwater adventure!
It's called Turning The Tide. It's where you have to save Taive, the dolphin Alpha, from the Phantoms! They trapped her and she can swim away because she wasn't born with a tail fin! Your job is to give Taive the replacement fin to her and help her escape! Sounds fun, doesn't it? Well it looks like DiamondEclipse was having fun playing it...

2. Otters!
In the Jamaa Journal, there's a new video! I love videos, they're just so cute and fun! I especially love this one because it has otters in it! And otters, if you didn't know, are my 3rd favourite animal!
Aww, aren't they just so adorable?

3. Ice Cream Parlour!
As for the new items today, it's all 7 of the new Ice Cream Parlour den items! 3 of the items are non member, but the rest are member.

Awesome! I know that I voted for the Ice Cream Parlour den, what did you vote for?

4. Official Insider's Guide
As you probably have known, AJ made a book for tips and tricks for Animal Jam called Animal Jam: Official Insider's Guide!
Sounds like some people have already gotten the book...
"I love reading about all the awesome animals!" ~ Leaping Poshclaw
"The new Guide is the best book ever ever ever!" ~ Earl Feiryhero
"I like learning about the history of Jamaa! ~ Precious Snowymoon
Looks like they've been LOVING the new book! If you have a chance, go and get your own at Barnes and Noble or buy it online on Amazon (Click here to go buy). Maybe your review could be featured on the Jamaa Journal too!
That's all today, Jam On!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Tiki Lawn Chair + EDOW

Today's new item is the Tiki Lawn Chair! Sold in Jam Mart Furniture! 

This week's Epic Den Of The Week, goes to Dogsforlife! With a cozy home den! 

Make sure to check out Dogsforlife's den! 
That's all for now! 
Jam On!

Monday, 4 August 2014

RIM - Rare Monkey Hat

This RIM, the rare is the Rare Monkey Hat, sold in the Conservation Museum in Appondale! Sold for 750 gems, buy yours today only!
Jam On!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Tiki Chair + Sunday Stories - How The Jammers Found The Beta Party!

In Jam Mart Furniture, we have the new, Tiki Chair! To match with the Tiki Umbrella Table! How exotic!

Sunday Stories
Have you ever thought, "How did the jammers bring back the Beta Days?" This story explains how...
When Animal Jam was still testing, the first jammers were excited to explore. But when membership was released, the beta jammers didn't understand. As more and more jammers joined and joined. They enjoyed more company but after awhile, they didn't know where these new animals had come from. The animals decided to show the new jammers how fun the old days were, so they went on a journey to find a place to show their love for the old days. Up to today, the old jammers brought the beta to all of us to enjoy!

Do you have any suggestions for the next week's story?
Suggest below!
Jam On!

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Mammoth Tusks + New Beta Party Items + Overflow!

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the Mammoth Tusks!
The Mammoth Tusks is 750 gems at Jam Mart Furniture. Coming in the colours white, pink, blue, purple, cream, green, black, and yellow. All these colours are pale colours, not bright, neon, florescent colours! Except for the black, maybe. The black is

Beta Party Items
These new items may have came out earlier and we just didn't catch them, but today I did! As far as can remember, there are 5 (or at least I think 5) new items!

However many there are, you can now buy all these items, but non members can only buy the banners. It sucks!

So DiamondEclipse and I decided to do parties AND games on Saturday, so that we don't have to wait for a certain party to do the post. So, today I decided to pick Overflow (Mostly because Overflow is x2 gems).
Overflow is a puzzle game, found in Crystal Sands, that has Easy, Medium, and Hard levels. Each level should get harder and harder as you go.
To play Overflow, you have to turn the tunnel-type things so that it ends up in the moat-thing. There are obstacles you have to work around when you play.
(Level: Easy)
Each square (you can see that the sand is separated into a grid) that gets water gives you 2 gems. So the harder the level, the longer the journey for the water is, therefore giving you more gems.
 (Level: Medium)
When you solve harder levels like this, there are 2 ways you can finish it:
Like this...
Or like this...
You can see that the 2nd picture has more tunnels connected, so that means I would get more gems using the 2nd way.
(Level: Hard)
Sometimes there are the stone bridges you see in the picture above. To get around those...
You have to make the tunnels so that the go over then under (or vice versa) and the continue through.
If you ever get stuck on a level, try going backwards. Start from the end, where the water will end up, then work your way towards the beginning. That always helps me when I'm stuck.
There are 7 achievements for Overflow:
Flowbie! : Play Overflow 5 times
Flowbot! : Play Overflow 15 times
Flowmaster! : Play Overflow 30 times
Open The Floodgates! : Play Overflow 50 times
Overflow Boss! : Beat the 50th level of Overflow
Overflow Master! : Beat the 100th level of Overflow
300! : Earn 300 gems from 1 game of Overflow
I hope you like Overflow!
Jam On!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Peridot Birthstone + Outfits Ideas

Hey Jammers!
As you may or may not have guessed, the new item today is the Peridot Birthstone!
This birthstone is the birthstone of August (obviously) and is for members only in Epic Wonders (3rd page), for 1,500 gems. Better buy this for the month of August to add to your birthstone collection!

Outfits Ideas
Today's Friday, which means that we give you outfits for inspiration! Today, we decided to have purple-themed outfits!
For DiamondEclipse's member outfit...
DiamondEclipse is wearing a Rare Samuri Helmet (RIM), a purple Moon Necklace (Beta),  and purple Rare Bow And Arrows (Adventures).
As for my non member outfit...
I'm wearing a purple Tiara (Jam Mart Clothing), a purple Locket (Adventures, I think), a purple Slingshot (Beta), and a Sliver Glove (Epic Wonders).
I hope you like our outfits and got ideas from them! Jam On!

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Tiki Umbrella Table + Journey Book Guide - Coral Canyons

Hi Jammers!
Today's new item is the Tiki Umbrella Table!
This wonderful piece of furniture is for sold at Jam Mart Furniture for 550, members only!
It comes in styles this time, not colours. The style you see in the picture, a style with a golden-yellow umbrella with the same coloured striped table, and a style with a golden-yellow umbrella with a bamboo table. And if you look closely, the reason why it's called the TIKI Umbrella Table, is because the legs of the table are tiki faces!
I don't really like the look of Tiki kinda creeps me out... but if you like them, then you go ahead a like them!

Journey Book Guide
No update today? Bummer. Well to make up for it, I have a Journey Book Guide for you!
We haven't done this in a while, have we? Well we're back with them, and this time, it's Coral Canyons! The prize is a Cactus Chair, but you'll have to be careful when you sit on it, cause it's spiky! Just kidding, you can sit on it all you want. After all, your animal can't get hurt!
If you want us to actually tell you where you find all the animals/objects in the Journey Book, just tell us! We'll be more then happy to tell you!
Jam On!