Sunday 13 April 2014

How To Make A Successful Fashion Show

Hey jammers, DiamondEclipse here with a quick guide of how to make an awesome fashion show!

1) Advertise.
Advertising is very important with fashion shows. it can depend on how people are going to go to your fashion show. I recommend 3 or 5 minutes of advertising for a nice fashion show.

2) Unlock Your Den.
Always unlock your den when you are trying to advertise. Jammers will get angry when you don't unlock your den. Unlock your den before you decide to host a fashion show.

3) Choose Easy Themes.
Don't do tricky themes, (Ex. Most like a potato) choose easy themes but yet they are challenging. (Ex. Food) Think of many themes so if there are many people, you are prepared with themes.

4) Let People Out Nicely.
When you send someone out, be nice when doing so. Do not yell: "Snowflake. You're out. Leave." Try saying: "Sorry Snowflake, but you're out. So sorry, but you did amazing!" Maybe give a gift to them, a plushie is a nice gift for saying you're out.

5) Choose A Good Prize.
Try choosing a nice prize people would want. (Ex. Rare Scary Cat Hat or Diamond Shop Tail Armour) Choose an item that cannot be store bought or it's hard to get.

6) Ignore Jammers Who Argue.
Always ignore jammers who cry or get angry. Those jammers always want to win, so just ignore them.

I hope this helps with everyone's fashion shows! ^_^ Jam On and I want to see more fashion shows like this! :)

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