Wednesday 30 July 2014

Heart Pillow + EDOW

Hey Jammers! The new item today goes with the Star Pillow, the Heart Pillow!
Unlike the Star Pillow though, the Heart Pillow is only for members. For 300 gems at Jam Mart Furniture, it comes in magenta and white, green and dark green, white and yellow, blue and light blue, yellow and orange, black and white, white and pink, orange and yellow, and green and pink.
I wonder if AJ is going to make more pillows? What shape do you think it'll be? Hmm... my guess is... a moon crescent! That would be cool, wouldn't it?

Epic Den Of The Week
Guess what? Today is Wednesday! So that means it's Epic Den of the Week Wednesday!
This week's epic den goes to WesternWolf2528's den!

Maybe if DiamondEclipse and I hide good enough, they won't find us... (haha I look so fat)
WesternWolf2428's den is full of beta items, but she/he has seemed to collect a bunch of the same beta's instead of one of each. Congrats, WesternWolf2528!
That's all folks! Jam On!

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