Sunday 6 July 2014

Quilted Blanket + Glitch + Story Time!

Hello Jammers! The new item today is the Quilted Blanket, found in the Shiveer Shoppe!
It originally comes in blue and purple, but if you're a member, you can change the colour to green and light green, red and pink, orange and brown, black and grey, blue and light blue, pink and magenta, or white and grey! The best part about this item is: it's for ALL Jammers! That's right, non members AND members can buy it for 450 gems!
I find it strange how Animal Jam is selling blankets in the middle of summer... don't you? I mean, it'd be appropriate to be sold during winter, but summer?
I have yet another glitch for you guys! Like the last glitch we shared, it's from Best Dressed!
This picture is pretty self-explanatory...ya....
So as you can probably tell, there are 2 Jammers in the same spot! Looks like they're fighting over the spot light! It's either that, or they're morphing together... lets hope it's the first one. Even though we don't want any fighting in AJ, I also don't want mutants running around Jamaa...
ANYWAYS, do you know why Freedom Day is celebrated in Jamaa? Well, this story might answer your question.
Long, long ago, the Phantoms were planning to take over Jamaa, make a whole bunch of rules that the Jammers would have to follow, and if the Jammers don't play by their rules, they were never to be seen again....
*In Jamaa*
The Alpha's were out in Jamaa on the 4th of July at night, walking around, looking for any signs of the Phantoms. "Looks like today is another good day" said Edmund. "I think you're right, Edmund," Ruby agreed. "I guess we can go back home. All the Jammers are sleeping in their dens anyways." So the Alpha's split up, each one going to their own home. Little did they know, the Phantom's planned to come and take over that night!
While all the Jammers and Alphas were asleep, the Phantoms arrived. Silently they went, all the Phantoms spreading out to guard the perimeter and cover the whole land of Jamaa. And then all at the same time, the Phantoms invaded the Jammers and Alphas houses, getting them out into the open, where they could see the biggest Phantom, the leader of the Phantoms. Some of the Jammers tried to escape and leave Jamaa, but failed when they found the Phantoms guarding the perimeter of Jamaa. All you could here were screams and cries, some calling for help, some yells just because they were frightened. The Alpha's just glared at all the Phantoms, not knowing what to do. "Quiet down, please," the leader of the Phantoms tried to act nice, but everyone knew the Phantoms weren't here for anything good. No one stopped yelling. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. SILENCE!" At the sound of the Phantom's roar, everyone stopped making noise. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop! "Thank you," the Phantom leader was acting nice again. "I know you may be frightened, but we are here to inform you that we will be ruling Jamaa from now on. There is no way to escape this, because there will be a fence built around Jamaa with Phantoms guarding it. And now that we are the rulers of your land, there are rules to follow." The Phantom leader started to list a whole bunch of strict rule the Jammers would have to follow. "If we ever catch you breaking these rules, there are consequences to follow." All the Jammers were still silent and frightened after the Phantom was finished speaking. "What are we supposed to do now?" Sigurd asked under her breath. All the Alphas had came together as a group while the Phantom leader was talking. "I have an idea," said Otto. "Come with me. Make sure you remember as much as you can about Jamaa." The other Alphas exchanged looks, then finally shrugged and followed Otto. Otto lead them toward the Phantom leader and stopped in front of him. "What do you think you're doing???" Said Marco in a loud whisper. "Do you know how dangerous this could be???" "Just go along with it." Otto whispered back. Then he planted his feet firmly on the ground and yelled right at the Phantom: "You are no leader of ours! You are not worthy of ruling Jamaa!" All the Jammers and even the Alphas thought Otto was crazy. He could be zapped by any of the surrounding Phantoms at any second! But instead, the Phantom look at him curiously. "Is that so? What makes you think that?" Otto knew just what to answer. "You know nothing about Jamaa! Even the youngest Jammer here knows more then you!" The Phantom leader laughed. "Are you sure about that?" "I'm more then sure! For example, when do you think Kimbara Outback was discovered?" Otto asked. "Easy! Kimbara Outback was discovered when all of Jamaa was!" The Phantom replied. All the Jammers laughed at him. "What's so funny? It's true, isn't it?" Edmund calmed himself from laughing and said: "Of course it isn't true, it was discovered only a year ago!" Each of the Alpha's took turns in asking basic questions about Jamaa, and finally, the Phantoms were too embarrassed to stay any longer and left Jamaa! "Great job Otto!" Sigurd cheered. "Otto! Otto! Otto!" the Jammers started chanting. Otto blushed and took a bow. "Now that the Phantoms are gone we can live in freedom!"
And that's why Freedom day is celebrated in Jamaa, on the 4th of July.
I hope this story isn't too long. I feel like it is. But I hope you like it! This is the first story I've written for this blog, so leave me some feedback in the comments below!
Jam On!

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