Saturday 12 April 2014

Animal Jam Myths...

Hey jammers! DiamondEclipse here with yet another Animal Jam Myths! So today, I want to talk about the bridge in Jamaa Township. Apparently, if you sit on the bridge, you are really beta, or rare. I just find that weird. If rare jammers want to go hang out, why in the most popular area where jammers usually join? I think all jammers should be allowed to sit on the bridge.

What also keeps me thinking, is the bridge on the right of Jamaa, I always go into Aldan, and I see tons of jammers sitting on the bridge on the left, but when I go to the right bridge... it's empty! I don't see why the right bridge is so bad, is it because it's far away from the crowd and jammers cannot be seen? Or is it because there's something that happened there, and so no one sits there?

Why do you think no one sits on the right bridge?
I can't wait to hear everyone's answers!

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